The 200 Questions About American History set includes the following:
- 200 Questions About American History Student Guide
- 200 Questions About American History Teacher Key
- 200 Questions About American History Flashcards
Inside 200 Questions About American History Student Book, there is a recommended schedule. I found this to be extremely helpful in setting up my 7th grader’s studies and for the most part, we have followed their schedule. He is currently working on reviewing for his first test and we will probably test tomorrow.
The work is broken down into 34 weeks, which makes it much easier to digest. Each week may have a few chapters for reading, followed by drill questions in their book and corresponding note cards. Some weeks are designed for studying or testing. Each chapter is only 1-2 pages, making it a breeze to read a little each day.
The included note cards are very helpful in keeping facts fresh in their minds. There are drill questions, timeline pieces, quotes, and presidents. I think once he has memorized all of them, he will have a great grasp on American history. I am trying to memorize them along side of him and it’s amazing how much we can remember when it’s presented in a simple fact format.
If you follow the suggested schedule, and in addition to the products provided in these sets, you’ll need to grab Story of the World Volume 4. That isn’t needed until week 25.
The Story of the Thirteen Colonies & the Great Republic Set includes the following:
- The Story of the Thirteen Colonies and the Great Republic text
- The Story of the Thirteen Colonies and the Great Republic Student Guide
- The Story of the Thirteen Colonies and the Great Republic Teacher Guide
The Story of the Thirteen Colonies & the Great Republic did not have a schedule included, nor is there a schedule that shows how to use both sets simultaneously that I could find. That would be a wonderful thing to be added to these sets. This book has 32 lessons inside, so we could spread it out to one lesson a week or so throughout the school year. We found it didn’t exactly line up so we are just working on it as we read through the chapters and come across the material.
Each lesson includes vocabulary, comprehension questions, and enrichment. Enrichment was my son’s favorite part. Some activities would be to find locations on a map, add timeline pieces, and composition. Below, you can see him responding to the enrichment activity in lesson three, where he had to write a journal entry from the perspective of Balboa after he climbed the mountain and saw the Great South Sea for the first time. I love that it brings out thinking and creativity along with working through history.
The teacher’s manuals are very thorough with the answers needed to quick check my son’s work. Tests and answers are also included.
Overall, we are enjoying this program. My son enjoys reading so he doesn’t mind having several chapters on history to read each week. As I mentioned above, the only thing I would change is having a schedule that included both sets of books in it to easily determine what is supposed to be done each day. We are happy with it and will definitely continue using this when we officially start his seventh grade year this fall.
For more information:
For more information, please visit the Memoria Press Website. You can find The Story of the Thirteen Colonies & the Great Republic Set for $48.00 and 200 Questions About American History set for $27.90.
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