In our homeschool, we always incorporate Bible studies and opportunities to further learning on topics of the Bible. Coming up soon in the calendar year is the joyous resurrection of Christ! Knowing that Easter is coming, we have been working through Grapevine Studies Resurrection – Student with the bigger kids and are using the Resurrection – Student Traceable with my younger girls. This is another great product that we are checking out with the Old Schoolhouse Review Crew.
I am loving the concept of Grapevine Studies. Grapevine Studies presents a program where you can “Stick Figure Through the Bible”. Children are encouraged to draw to grasp the subject and no professional drawing is needed! Stick figures are encouraged! That works great for me because I’m probably the world’s worst artist!
Through the Resurrection study, my children went back to the last week of Jesus’ walk here on Earth. Through this 11 week study (or 22 daily lessons if you prefer), the kids start with The Last Supper and continue on through the crucifixion. Then of course it continues to the Resurrection. These studies take only about 15-20 minutes a day and are perfect for homeschool, Sunday School, or just extra learning on the subject.
With these studies, you have the option to purchase the physical copy or the download version. Normally I prefer the physical copy, but when I plan to use something with multiple children, the download works best. This is when I really appreciate having a HP Instant Ink subscription!
After we printed out our studies, I read through the teacher’s manual so I could know what I was doing and how to best present the material. Students study each lesson by reading passages from the Bible and drawing each section of Scripture using stick figuring. Stick figuring is using stick figures, symbols, colors, charts, and words to illustrate each Bible passage. The teacher’s manual shows simple stick figures that you can use as a guide if your children get stuck and aren’t sure how to illustrate a particular section. I really appreciated the notes and read-aloud verses in each section.
My kids really took right to the lessons. We were able to sit down as a family and work on each part of The Resurrection. Everyone, except the baby of course, was able to follow along and have a better understanding of the Resurrection after this study. My kids are ages 5-12 for reference. Above, you can see my 6 year olden my 9 year old working on their separate level of studies. I found that each level was very age appropriate according to the guidelines on the website.
I have been very pleased with the Grapevine Studies and will most likely purchase others to use in the coming months and years of our homeschool. Other studies available on their website include Esther, Birth of Jesus, Joseph, Ruth, Moses and the Exodus, and more. I am thankful to have been given an opportunity to try these studies first hand.
For more information, visit the Grapevine Studies website. You can also find Grapevine Studies on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest.