During our homeschool day, we do not watch tv. I do make exceptions when there is something that I need to get done or if we just need a break from learning. I have told you in the past about why I love my Amazon Prime membership, and having wonderful and education videos available at the click of a button is awesome.
If you do not have an Amazon Prime Membership, you can go here to check it out. You’ll score a free 30 day subscription to decide if you love it or not. I love it!
Some of the benefits include:
- 2 day shipping on many items
- Extra discounts with Amazon Mom
- Instantly view over 40,000 movies and tv shows FREE
- Read books for FREE
- and more!
You can find Amazon Prime movies perfect for your homeschool by searching in the Amazon Instant Video Finder, which is broken down by topics such as documentary, history, and nature. That’s the absolute easiest way. Of course, you can always search by subject as well under the Amazon Prime Instant Video section. Here are some that we have enjoyed adding to our watch list and are all free for prime members:
Reading Rainbow Collection
Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood
Glory to God Alone: The Life of J.S. Bach
Wonders of God’s Creation
Nature’s Great Events
Schoolhouse Rock
America The Story of Us
The Civil War: A Film By Ken Burns
Travel with Kids
What great resources have you found on Amazon Prime Video?