This weekend, my husband, father in law, and I tackled the kitchen counters using the Giani Granite kit. Our counter tops are the original ones in the house when it was built and they definitely needed a little updating. (And yes, the walls will be next!)
Here’s before photos:
Prepping took about an hour or so, taping everything up, scrubbing counters, washing counters, and all. This was probably the longest part of the whole process. Making sure everything is properly prepared is essential to making the counter tops look great. We followed the instructions completely.
Here’s the difference as we painted on the first coat:
Makes a big difference!
Next comes the fun part! Stamping on the colors!
We followed the directions again and stamped the colors all over in the way the instructional dvd suggested. Here’s how one of my counters looked after the first color:
We got the other colors applied and then it was finally time to seal!
I’m loving it! Doesn’t it look great? Here’s a closeup:
And final photos:
(ignore the stuff piled in the sink! That’s what happens when you have to have everything off the counters! lol!)
My thoughts and tips? It went much smoother and easier than I anticipated. Be sure to have an entire weekend free. It’s best if kids can go to Grandma’s and plan to eat out or prepare meals in advance to be warmed in the microwave. I LOVE the end result and can’t wait now to finish up the rest of my kitchen so it will be all up to date!
For more information on Giani Granite, please visit the Giani Granite website and their facebook page. Lots of before/after shots on their facebook page!
HUGE thanks to Giani Granite for my kit to try and for providing this giveaway! The winner will get to choose between the 7 different Giani Granite colors available.
To enter the giveaway, fill out the rafflecopter below: