This is another fun game! I think my kids have played this a ton over the past few weeks. Horse Academy by Smart Games is a one player game that is geared toward players ages 7 and up.
With Horse Academy, you have 80 challenges and have to put the obstacles in order as the challenge lists them and make it to the exit. It was fun to beat the challenge and also pretend play with the horse clearing all the jumps. This game helps build cognitive skills, including spatial insight, planning, and problem-solving. It’s a great size and perfect for quiet time play.
You can find this game for $24.99 on Timberdoodle. It’s is also part of the 3rd Grade Curriculum Kit that Timberdoodle has put together. My 18 year old and I may have had more fun with this game that the kids did! Definitely adding this to our list of favorites!