About Spelling Shed:
Spelling Shed utilizes games in order to help students become better spellers. Spelling Shed has different levels available to correspond with grades and 36 weekly objectives and spelling lists. As a parent, I can set specific spelling lists and deadlines, but we chose to just let the kids have fun on it since it is summertime. The kids often ask to hop on Spelling Shed without me asking them to work on it. As a bonus, the more the kids play on both games, the more points they earn to change their avatar’s appearance. That’s always popular with my crew.
There are several different ways to play from filling in the blanks, to unscrambling letters, to Bee Keeper, which could be compared to hangman. That one was a favorite for sure! Even I joined in and played on that!
The cost is very affordable for this program at $24.95 for the year and up to 5 students can use it under the parent subscription.
About Math Shed:
On Math Shed, students can work on adding, subtracting, times tables, powers of ten, and more. There are different levels so that each child can be on their own particular level. Sometimes my children would pick an easy level and sometimes they would pick a hard level. It just depended upon the day.
This particular game reminded me of many computer games we played on the computer as children. Pretty simple, but motivating to learn and earn points.
The cost for Math Shed is also very affordable at $24.95 for the year for up to 5 students under the parent subscription. You can save 15% by purchasing both Math Shed and Spelling Shed.
Final Thoughts:
I really like that we don’t have to use a computer to play on Math Shed and Spelling Shed. There are apps available for $2.99 each. I also really like that the kids can switch between games and levels with ease.
Although all 3 children played both Math Shed and Spelling Shed, there was a strong preference toward Spelling Shed. Here are their thoughts below –
Anna: I like Spelling Shed because you can race against siblings or friends. The hard levels are really hard for me, but it’s still fun to play.
Eliza: I liked Spelling Shed best because I can learn how to spell words through the games. It’s fun that way.
Paul: I also liked Spelling Shed the best because it’s fun and I like working on the words. Sometimes I choose hard so it’s a challenge.
Mom: As for me, I just liked that they enjoyed playing and had fun learning. I plan to continue using both of these programs through the summer and next school year.
For more Information:
For more information, please visit the Math Shed and Spelling Shed websites. You can also learn more on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
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