This week my facebook feed has been flooded with articles regarding the eclipse and they all are extremely confusing.
On one hand, you see articles saying that it’s safe to watch with approved glasses. On another hand, you see articles from eye doctors saying that you should only watch it on tv.
And then there is the chaos of having so many glasses out there that may not be approved for eclipse viewing!
We were planning to go to the mountains, but now I’m so torn about what to do! I have one child that no matter what we tell her, she has to learn for herself. I’m concerned she will try to look at the sun anyway and damage her eyes. I’ve already decided our toddler will stay inside completely, but now what about the rest of us? I’m honestly not sure. We may just watch it on the computer, but I’ve also found a wonderful compilation of teacher approved videos about the eclipse that I plan on utilizing in our homeschool.
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