One thing that my kiddos enjoy during these hot summer months is a good popsicle. Unfortunately, not all popsicles are good for them and the ones that are, aren’t very friendly on the wallet. I’ve gone to making our own popsicles using an ice pop maker. You can find the Back to Basics Lickety Sip Ice Pop Maker for just $3.99 on Amazon (ships free with Amazon prime – you can get a free Amazon Prime membership through Amazon Mom, which is free to join.). Amazon has tons of other ice pop molds as well.
Good investment that can be used over and over again and the kids can pick which flavor they want to make. All you do is just pour in the juice and freeze. I’ve even put smoothie ingredients in them before (already blended of course) and it makes a wonderful frozen fruit bar.
What creations have you made using ice pop molds?
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