Great news for those of us that live out of our crock-pots! My friend Lauren over at I Am THAT Lady has launched her 8th meal plan today! With this plan, you get the instructions on how to make 20 Slow Cooker Dump Meals for only $150 at Aldi! Sounds like a winner for this pregnant mama! Her recipes are also easily adaptable if you need to eat gluten-free.
Lauren has prepared an AWESOME printable pack for you that will make both your shopping trip and your preparation as easy as possible! It includes:
- Detailed preparation instructions
- Detailed shopping list organized by store section
- All recipes
- List of pantry items
- All of this for only $3.97! Click HERE for more information on this and other plans.
Save time and money by planning ahead! I can’t wait to check this one out! All of her plans have rave reviews!