One of my goals this year was to read at least 12 books. I know that doesn’t sound like much, but when I was growing up, I loved to read! Since having kids, I feel like I haven’t had the time to read as much. I set that goal and am slowly making progress toward it.
The latest book that I’m reading was brought to me for a review. It’s called Love Her Well – 10 Ways to Find Joy and Connection with Your Teenage Daughter by Kari Kampakis. I’ve enjoyed reading it on our back porch now that the evenings are starting to cool off a bit more.
Throughout the book, there is great wisdom regarding the mother/daughter relationship during the teenage years. My daughters are currently ages 17, 11, and 9. I felt that I could relate to pretty much everything in the book and enjoyed that each chapter had Reflection Questions so that I could examine myself and my thoughts.
Every relationship can take improvement and I think Love Her Well shows how to put action into motion. I could feel myself relating to the author and understanding her struggles. Many of my struggles with my daughters were just like the ones she would mention. Throughout the book are Bible verses to go along with the points she is making. They flow well and aren’t overbearing.
I like that it’s not a “how to fix your teen” type book, but more of helping the reader find joy and connection through positive interactions. Teens can be hard, but sometimes their reactions are because of how their parents handle the situation.
I’m glad that I had the chance to read this book and I’m sure I’ll be getting a refresher when my younger girls get closer to the teen years.
Interested in winning your own copy? Head on over here to enter the giveaway on Blessed Freebies website. This is definitely one prize you’ll want to win!