The past few weeks, my 6 year old daughter has been working her way through the Introductory Science program by Science Shepherd as part of The Old Schoolhouse Review Crew. Science is something that we can never learn too much about and my kids were eager to check out this program.
About Science Shepherd:
Science Shepherd Introductory Science is an online homeschool science video course and is geared toward children ages 6-11. There are two levels of workbooks to go along with this program – Level A and Level B. Level A is more for ages 6-8 and Level B is for ages 9-11. The course is 35 weeks of 2-5 minute videos per day. This program covers introductory science topics such as creation, geology, biology, astronomy, oceanography, meteorology and more.
Intermixed in the workbook are science projects, activities, word searches, and more that your children can work on to enhance their learning.
My Thoughts:
At times I really liked the fact that the videos are only 2-5 minutes long, but many times, my kids were asking for more. More often than not, we watched 2-3 videos a day. My kids were rarely satisfied with just 1 of the videos, which I guess is a great thing! The questions in Level A were very easy. I think that even a 4-5 year old could learn and benefit from this program. I think in hindsight, we would have done better with the more complicated Level B questions with my children that did this program.
Since we are a large family, having something that multiple kids can do at the same time is a huge plus for me! All we had to do is order an extra workbook! Also having a video teacher helped as opposed to me having to read them something from a book. This freed up a couple minutes to help another sibling with something.
My kids enjoyed the activities listed in the book. One that we did was using our senses to figure out what what is a brown paper bag without looking. The kids had to feel around in the bag and try to figure out what was inside. This was quite fun! I let my 12 year old fill the bag so the other kids had no idea what was inside.
We also did a project where we classified paper flowers and put them into categories. The colors were different, but we classified them by petal numbers. I loved having all the hands on science activities that were simple and normally didn’t require any extra cost or special supplies.
For More Information:
The introductory video course costs $35 for a 12 month access. If you would like to see a sample video to decide if Science Shepherd is right for your family, you can see one here on their website.
Workbook Level A sells for $12, Level B is $15, and answer keys for $3. There are samples to check out the questions in the workbooks and see which would be right for your family.
You can also find out more on their Facebook, Twitter, or even Pinterest.
Science Shepherd also offers curriculum on Science Shepherd Biology and Science Shepherd Life Science. You can read more about those and some reviews by our Schoolhouse Review Crew by clicking the banner below.

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