The concept of Times Tables is mnemonic based. Mnemonic means using a device such as a pattern of letters, ideas, or associations that assists in remembering something. This program really does just that! My 3rd grader has been working on the Times Tales program for the past few weeks and has gotten to know all the fun characters. The numbers are made to look like characters so that the kids can remember them visually and recall them later.
Times Tables is a great way to learn multiplication and memorize times tables. They focus on the harder to remember ones: 3×6, 3×7, 3×8, 3×9, 4×6, 4×7, 4×8, 4×9, 6×6, 6×7, 6×8, 6×9, 7×7, 7×8, 7×9, 8×8, 8×9, 9×9. I remember how hard it was to memorize those facts when I was a kid and this program is a tool to make it a lot easier.
What Can I Expect?
The program is broken down into 2 sections, part 1 and part 2. In part 1, your child will be introduced to the characters at the beginning. There is a chair, which represents the number 4. Mrs. Snowman, which represents the number 8. 9 is a treehouse. Many more characters as well.
In the picture above, the chair and treehouse are part of the problem and the kite and balloons are the answer. Do you see it? 4 (chair) times 9 (treehouse) =36! (3 kites and 6 balloons!)
After part 1, there are worksheets that can be completed along with quizzes and tests.
It is recommended to wait a week between part 1 and part 2 so your child can fully focus on one part at a time.
My Thoughts:
Honestly, my 3rd grader found the program a bit slow and boring. He wasn’t thrilled about watching Times Tales at all and declared it babyish, but in the end, he remembered the stories and the math problems. That is what counts in my book! I remember him saying about halfway through the first part that it doesn’t make sense. He insisted the program had nothing to do with multiplication. However at the end when they had to recall the information, all of a sudden he exclaimed, “OOOOH, now I get it!” It had clicked with him.
My 12 year old watched them as well, even though she knows her facts. She thought it was interesting how they made the stories to teach the multiplication facts. Some of the stories were funny, especially the cats and dogs fighting! That one was definitely memorable!
More info:
Times Tales is available as a DVD for $24.95 or as a digital download for $19.95. Both the DVD and downloadable versions include the printables. The printables are three PDF files where you can print out tests, crossword puzzles, flashcards, & cube games. These were pretty fun as they had the characters drawn out and not just regular numbers.
For more information or to purchase, visit the Trigger Learning Co. website or check them out on Facebook.
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