Source: http://www.sciencealert.com
The kids and I have been studying astronomy in our homeschool this year. We are so excited to hear about Solar Eclipse 2017, which will occur on Monday, August 21, 2017! Even more exciting is that we can take a short drive and be right in the Path of Totality! If the Moon’s inner or umbral shadow sweeps across Earth’s surface, then a total eclipse of the Sun is seen. The track of the Moon’s umbral shadow across Earth is called the Path of Totality.
I think we plan to head toward the Dillard House area for great viewing. The Dillard House will be having an Eclipse Extravaganza Party to celebrate the occurrence, and they are in the Path of Totality!

Michael Zeiler, www.GreatAmericanEclipse.com
Info on Solar Eclipse 2017:
In researching to find our more about the eclipse and how we could see it, I found these websites to be the most helpful:
- Great American Eclipse: This website lets you know the full path of the eclipse. It also offers info on where are the best places to see throughout the US.
- Eclipse2017: You can find the states in the path of totality and it will tell you which cities you want to be in! It also lets you know about how long totality will last so you can make plans for a short or a long duration depending on which you prefer.
Things you Need to Know:
If you plan to view Eclipse 2017, be sure to purchase the special Eclipse Viewing Glasses so you do not damage your eyes. You can also find some fun gear on Amazon.
You may want to go ahead and plan to have August 21st off from work so you can get to a location for viewing. Another thing to consider is getting a hotel room if you plan to drive far or just want to relax for the day. MANY places are already booked!
Do you plan to see Solar Eclipse 2017? Tell me your plans!
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