It’s no lie that 2020 has been very…. unique. I can’t say that I’ve ever experienced a year quite like this one. It’s been sweet in some ways and then absolutely gut-wrenching in others.
We have the family tradition of picking a personalized family ornament each year to hang on the tree. The kids and adults both love this tradition and I think it will be one for us to treasure forever.
With 2020 being so different from other years, the ornaments this year have followed suit! I was just browsing on Etsy and thought I’d share a few of our favorite 2020 Christmas ornaments with you guys.

My top favorite is this 2020 Christmas Ornament with Masks and Toilet Paper. Right now the seller has them available for families from sizes 2-7, but has wait lists if you need another number of family members. I think this will end up being our ornament for the year.

Next is a favorite of Grinch-lovers, is this Stink Stank Stunk 2020 Ornament. Definitely a cute one with the mask and grinch hand.

Creativity has been loving this Mini Mask Ornament with 2020 embroidered on it.

Keep it simple with this 2020 Covid Ornament. It will glisten beautifully on your tree.

Another fun personalized one is this Quarantine Family Christmas Ornament. It can have 2-6 family members and each one can be personalized.

Here is another variety of the Personalized 2020 Christmas Mask Ornaments. This one features 3-6 family members.

Masked 2020 Gingerbread Men Ornaments are super cute as well. I love the one with the toilet paper!

Finally, I’m featuring is another 2020 Quarantine Family with masks. This one features 2-6 family members.
Of course, these are just a small fraction of the many, many ornaments available on Etsy. I’m sure if you browse around on Etsy, you’ll find the perfect one for your family.

If you’re looking for fun Christmas Stockings, be sure to check out the Christmas Stocking Gift Guide on Etsy. There are some really beautiful options.
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