EdAlive generously provided us with one-year subscriptions to both Typing Tournament Online and Maths Invaders Online for each of our middle three children to give the programs a try.
About Typing Tournament Online:
Typing Tournament Online is a 10 finger typing course for children ages 6 through adult. On their website, students can try a free typing test to gage their current level. Throughout the program, there are 128 drills, lessons, and games and students progress at their own pace. The Typing Tournament Online is $10 per month per student or $90 a year.
We’ve tried several typing programs in the past with our children and non seemed to stick after a while. Typing Tournament Online is a program that they actually like to do! The Medieval look and challenges are fun and encourage the kids to keep moving forward in their lessons.
Behind the scenes, the parent can login and see how each student is doing and their current WPM (Words Per Minute). While the program was a bit challenging for the kids, they stuck with it and are making strides. We saw improvement after just a few shorts weeks of our kids using the program.
The hardest thing about the program, wasn’t actually the program but was breaking bad habits about finger placement that the kids have already developed. This required me to sit beside them at times to make sure they weren’t going back to bad finger posture. I would recommend making sure you have time to sit with the kids to correct any finger placement issues.
About Math Invaders Online:
Like Typing Tournament Online, Math Invaders also has a free Math Invaders game online that the kids can try out and there is also an area for parents to see how the kids are doing. By practicing math, kids can “save the planet” from the invaders. This program is designed for kids ages 5-15 or anyone that would like to continue practicing math facts. I really like that this is a fun online program that can be beneficial for middle and high schoolers as well.
Math invaders works on the following:
- Times Tables
- Addition
- Subtraction
- Multiplication
- Division
- Fractions
- Decimals
- Percentages
- Numeration
- Counting
- Squares
- Square Roots
- Powers
- Directed Numbers
- and More!
This program was a hit with my kids. They loved having the challenges. It starts off easier and they build confidence as they work on harder topics as the program moves on. This definitely helps to lay a firm foundation for math facts.
My Kids Thoughts:
6th Grader: Math Invaders is my favorite. It’s easy and fun! I think Typing Tournament is a little hard because I keep putting my fingers on the wrong keys. I hope to get better on this program with practice.
3rd Grader: I like Typing Tournament because I am learning the keys and which fingers to use. It gives me three times to try and then I get a test. On Math Invaders, I like to press practice and work on multiplication. Both are a lot of fun.
2nd Grader: Math Invaders is my favorite program because I get to blast the bad guys. Typing Tournament is fun because I like learning to type words. I like when I can type and throw balloons to stop the fire.
For More Information:
For more information, you can check out the EdAlive websites for both Typing Tournament Online and Maths Invaders Online. You can also find out more on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.
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