I sat down with my kiddos and asked them to help me make a list of fun things to do this summer. Our goal is to accomplish them! Here’s our list! Feel free to comment and add some more ideas!
- Play in the sprinkler
- Make our own bubble solution and blow bubbles
- Roller skate
- Go on a hike
- Ride bikes
- Go to playground
- Library summer reading
- Go to a play
- Summer movies at theater
- Put on swimsuits and wash the van
- Make and eat popsicles
- Visit a friend
- Go for icecream at night in our pajamas
- Sleep under the stars
- Make a bonfire and roast marshmallows
- Plant flowers
- Make our own icecream
- Visit Grandma’s house
- Fly a kite
- Jump rope
- Paint our own shirts
- Put together a huge LEGO city
- Play a board game
- Bird watch
- Make a fort out of the couch and blankets
- Work on our sticker mosaics
- Put on a play
- Make a treasure hunt
- Campout in living room
- Visit a fire station
- Go to the zoo
- Turn on music and dance
- Have a picnic
- Go to the lake
- Write a journal about summer activities
- Make an obstacle course
- Create a terrarium
- Go to a museum
- Have a yard sale
- Make a time capsule
- Paint
- Learn something new
- Geocache
- Watch the sunrise/sunset
- Water gun fight
- Play with the dog
- Hop in the car and go back roads to discover something new
- Write a poem
- Invite friends over for a cookout
- Make a new friend