If you haven’t heard yet, pay attention! Heads up if you collect Huggies rewards points from their diapers and wipes! Hughes is giving you until 11:59 pm TOMORROW night to get your codes in before they stop accepting them! If you are putting codes in, be patient. It’s taking me about a minute to get each one added. Just hit submit once and then wait… and wait… and wait.
My thoughts? Personally I’m not a fan of having to submit my receipts to them to get points. I probably will do it, but I believe it’s just a way for them to provide research on what parents are buying along with their Huggies products.
If you’re like me, you already do submit your receipts for points on apps like Ibotta, Checkout51, and others, so honestly, it’s not a huge deal to me. Adding another app and another thing to remember is a pain, though.