My almost 5 year old daughter has been begging to have her ears pierced. When her older (now 10 year old sister) was about 2.5, she asked for earrings. I proudly took her to Claire’s and lots of screaming later, we had earrings! Then came the “fun” of cleaning them. Let’s just say that a wiggly, screaming 2.5 year old is rather strong! I think I am permanently scarred from that one. Despite all of this, my oldest rarely wears earrings now.
We decided after that we’d wait until our little girls could completely understand everything about what was going to happen and how we’d have to care for them before getting theirs pierced. Today after even more requesting for “princess ears”, I finally agreed to take my almost 5 year old to Claire’s. We picked out the perfect earrings, pink flowers, and then asked about having her ears done. They told us sure, but we were next after another girl.
We waited our turn and our super excited almost 5 year old watched patiently to see what was going to happen. I think this was the best thing we could have done because after the piercing before us, her face went from excitement to horror to PLEASE MOMMY DONT MAKE ME DO THAT!
And I didn’t. We promptly left and went to Sonic instead. Here’s my beautiful non pierced daughter:
I am currently on the hunt for some stick-on “princess ears”, so if you see some let me know.
That brings up a good question. At what age do you allow your daughters to pierce their ears? I’d love to hear feedback on how/when you decided and your daughter’s reactions.