We received the IQ Circuit from Timberdoodle to review for you guys. It’s a fun “Connect the Dots” style, one-player strategy game. We’ve taken it on road trips and camping with us and everyone in the family has enjoyed it. It’s a very portable game! Although it’s geared toward ages eight to adult, my almost six year old son also had a ton of fun with it.
To start the game, simply decide which of the 120 challenges you’d like to do. These range from “easy” to “expert” in difficulty. Then you set up the dots as shown in the challenge. You use the remainder of the pieces to try and finish the puzzle where the dots connect. The pieces are all different shapes and the paths have curves, so it does take a lot of concentration, problem solving, and thinking skills.
We definitely recommend adding this game to your logic/thinking skills manipulatives and see this as something we will play many times over the years. You can find this game for sale on Timberdoodle. It’s is also part of the 9th Grade Curriculum Kit that Timberdoodle has put together.