It’s summertime, however my 7th grade son is getting a jump start on his fall work with Exploring Creation with General Science, 3rd Edition published by Apologia. Since we first reviewed Apologia a few years back, we have been hooked on everything they have to offer and we are excited to be working with them again with this 3rd Edition set. It is the perfect homeschool science for middle school students.
Included with this set is the Textbook, Student Notebook, and Solutions and Tests Manual. One of my favorite things about Apologia’s products is that the Student Notebook features a lesson plan to help stay on track.
According to the lesson plan scheudle, Exploring Creation with General Science, 3rd Edition is recommended to be used 4 times a week for 33 weeks to reach completion. Each day’s work is spelled out and takes a reasonable amount of time and effort to complete. One day my son might just read and do a couple notebook pages or he might do some fun experiments to test out things he’s learned.
The books are broken down into fourteen modules, which include the following subjects:
- The History of Science – Search for the Truth
- Scientific Inquiry and the Scientific Method
- Documenting and Interpreting Experimental Results
- Scientific Analysis and History
- Earth Science – Astronomy
- Earth Science – Geology and Paleontology
- Earth Science – Meteorology and Oceanography
- General Chemistry
- General Physics
- Life Science
- General Biology
- Marine Science
- Environmental Science
- Science and Creation
Even though he’s not a huge science fan right now, my son liked working through this set and made it further than we expected to this summer. He has already made it to Module 3 and today he had an experiment to work on to learn more about density. The Student Notebook also includes space to document and interpret experimental results.
For this experiment, he had to get a glass of water, add salt by the teaspoon, and see how adding salt would change the egg’s location in the glass. He also has to document his findings in the proper section of the Student Notebook.
Here is the experiment after 4 teaspoons of salt was added to the water. As you can see, the egg is definitely starting to float a bit, but hasn’t quite made it all the way up.
It took 6 teaspoons of salt, but the egg finally floated at the top of the glass! Woo hoo!
I love that most of the experiments in the books can be done using things that we usually have on hand at home.
Also included in this set is the Tests and Solution books. The tests are fairly short and average about 10 questions. As with many of the Apologia books, there are “Book Extras” available online. The code to access them can be found inside the Textbook. I have found this section to be extremely helpful in watching related videos or finding articles to supplement the course.
Exploring Creation with General Science, 3rd Edition is currently available for $119 and is well worth it to have a well rounded and fun science curriculum. We are very pleased with this set and plan to continue it with my son as his homeschool science for seventh grade. We can’t wait to see what other experiments will occur this fall.
For More information:
For more information, please visit Exploring Creation with General Science, 3rd Edition. You can also find Apologia on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.
You can also read more reviews from the Schoolhouse Review Crew on this product and others by clicking the banner below.

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