A while back, we reviewed for this company and were very pleased with their products. We are happy to be checking out another product from Channie’s Visual Handwriting & Math workbooks. My 4 year old has been using Channie’s Dry Erase Flashcard For Alphabet & Number for handwriting practice over the past few weeks.
About the Product:
Channie’s Dry Erase Flashcard For Alphabet & Number is geared toward preschoolers ages 3 and up. The set consists of 26 alphabet flashcards and 10 number cards, for a total of 36 cards altogether. The book that they come in is perfect for storaing the cards. Each flashcard is dry-erase friendly, so they can be used over and over again. They are considered an “all-in-one” card for tracing, writing, and practice.
Each card features writing blocks for consistent letter size, double vertical lines to guide proper spacing, and middle green shade to help in lowercase placement and writing in straight lines. If a child goes outside the lines, they are easy to tip with a tissue to motivate self-correction. The flashcards are color designated, with green for uppercase, blue for lowercase, and orange for numbers.
These cards retail for $15.95 and can be purchased on the Channie’s Visual Handwriting & Math workbooks website.
Our Thoughts:
My 4 year old loves these flashcards. The idea is very simplistic, but it keeps him busy during our school time. All I need to supply him with is a flat place to work, a dry erase marker, a tissue to clean off the cards, and the Channie’s Dry Erase Flashcard For Alphabet & Number set.
I like that on the letter cards, there is an animal or object that starts with the letter so my son can start putting together sounds. They are all very common objects and animals so he is usually able to recognize it right away. On the number cards, there are that number of animals or objects to count and reinforce what the number represents.
I really like having something that keeps my son engaged and learning but is simple enough to not need much help from mom or an older sibling. I could see these being very useful on long card rides if he had a little lap desk or for staying busy at Grandma’s house as well.
The only thing I would like to see improved on this product is that it would be great if it came with a dry erase marker and the marker was somehow attached to the box or able to fit inside. Maybe it’s just our family, but we are forever losing dry erase markers!
Since my son enjoyed this product so much, I plan on ordering him the Channie’s Dry Erase Flashcard for Sight Words soon, so he can start working on those as well.
For More Information:
For more information, you can visit Channie’s Visual Handwriting & Math Workbooks website. You can also find them on Facebook.
More reviews on this product and other products by this same company can be seen by clicking the banner below. Other bloggers received these items from Channie’s and have reviews up for them:
- Channie’s Dry Erase Flashcard for Sight Words (Ages 5-6)
- Neat Numbers (Ages 3-5)
- One Page A Day 2 Digit Multiplication Practice (Grades 3-5)

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