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Our Thoughts:
History has never been my thing so I was happy to check out a program that would help me to teach history to my children. I really appreciate that these 2 sets work together to teach facts and help your students to remember what they have learned. Inside the 200 Questions about American History Teacher’s Guide, there is a recommended weekly schedule. We were able to follow the schedule fairly close. It has chapters listed for reading and which drill questions go along with those chapters. The chapters are fairly short and read like a book, so that made learning easier.
To work both courses, simply look at The Story of the Thirteen Colonies & The Great Republic student book to see which chapters are covered in a particular lesson. Do the lesson once you have read those chapters and then review your drill questions and take any appropriate quizzes or tests. Pretty simple once you see how they work together.
I really like that the lessons cover more than just history by working in vocabulary and research topics as well. I read the chapters to my 2 bigger kids and then my oldest did the lessons. She didn’t seem to mind and quite enjoyed all the enrichment projects. We worked at a pace of about 2-3 lessons a week and it seemed to be enough. We were able to review our flashcards daily during the week.
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