I’ve been reading The Pray-ers / Book 1 Troubles, written by Mark S. Mirza and published by CTM Publishing Atlanta, over the past couple weeks as part of the Homeschool Review Crew. The book sounded intriguing so I was eager to read it.
About the Author:
The author, Mark S. Mirza, led the men’s prayer ministry for Dr. Charles Stanley at First Baptist Church in Atlanta, GA. Through his website, he desires to help teach men how to start prayer groups.
About the Book:
The Pray-ers is a fictional book Through the book, author Mark S. Mirza shows the depth of the prayer lives of three different people in different eras. It covers the First Century, 19th Century, and Current Day. The people followed through the book are Epaphras (from the Bible), a track coach from UGA, and a pastor. The Pray-ers shows the dynamics of what may be happening in the spiritual realm between demons and angels that humans can’t see and how prayer relates to circumstances.
My Thoughts:
Overall, I enjoyed the read, but it was quite hard to follow. Bouncing back and forth between characters in the beginning was difficult trying to remember which one was doing what and to not get them confused.
The other thing that I wanted to point out is that the book starts out very slow. It drags and was almost painful to read, but as the book progressed, I enjoyed it more.
Throughout The Pray-ers, different Bible verses were worked into the dialog. I appreciated how the scripture references were noted at the bottom of the pages throughout so I could look back in my Bible to see the full verse.
It’s also important to note that this is not a children’s book, so I wouldn’t recommend allowing your children to read it until they are young adults due to some of the topics discussed throughout.
One thing I noticed off the bat is that the book needs further editing. I noticed several typos that need to be addressed in future versions.
As a final note, I wasn’t able to finish the book before I writing this review, but I do plan to finish it. I’m about halfway through. It’s a pretty heavy read so it’s something that I try to read after the kids are in bed so I can focus. Definitely not a light read, but it really made me think and I appreciate that.
For More Information:
For more information or to order, you can visit their website. You can also find more information on Facebook and Twitter.
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