Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

The relationship between a mother and a daughter is so precious. I have been blessed with three beautiful daughters (and two handsome boys, as well). When my oldest daughter, who is now 17, was younger, we would do devotions together. I have always enjoyed precious time with all of my children. The past few weeks, my 2 younger daughters and I have been checking out The Adventures of Rooney Cruz RINGLEADERS from Truth Becomes Her.

We were sent 4 books from this company. We were given:
- The Adventures of Rooney Cruz RINGLEADERS
- RINGLEADERS: A Devotion for Girls
- RINGLEADERS Coloring Book
- RINGLEADERS: Journal for Mothers and Daughters
The Adventures of Rooney Cruz RINGLEADERS follows the journey of six New Testament women whose stories proclaim the hope of Jesus to the generations. The main character, Rooney Cruz, learns about five superpowers that has has: Prayer, Patience, Bravery, Loyalty, and Leadership. Written by Erin Weidemann, this book helps to share the gosepl between mothers and daughters.

I have been reading The Adventures of Rooney Cruz RINGLEADERS with my 11 and 9 year old daughters. There are nine chapters in the book and we chose to do about three or four a week, although my daughters would have loved a faster pace. I wanted to stretch it out a bit for them. Once we finished reading, I’ve noticed the girls picking it up often to reread about Rooney’s adventures. Although this series is geared toward girls, I feel like this would be a fine read-aloud for the whole family.

RINGLEADERS: A Devotion for Girls has 40 days of devotions included. Each day could have some Bible reading, an activity, questions, art, or more. There are lines to write in the book, or you could just discuss the answers out loud, which is what we chose to do. Day 13 was especially interesting to work on as it talks about obeying parents and why our life is better if we obey parents. That opened up some great discussions for our home.
The coloring book was fun, too. The girls have taken turns coloring pages during our free-art time during the week.
One item that I have especially enjoyed is the RINGLEADERS Journal for Mothers and Daughters. There are spaces for mom to write things and open up to her daughters and vice versa. There are also spaces for drawings and writing notes to each other. I think this is an item we will come to treasure over the years.

Overall, we are very impressed. The illustrations in the books are amazing and we have enjoyed working through the books during this review period. We look forward to find
For more information, visit The Adventures of Rooney Cruz RINGLEADERS on their website. You can also find out more on Facebook and Instagram.
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