About VeritasBible.com:
VeritasBible.com is a new online Bible program that helps kids to learn more about the Bible without really even realizing that they are learning.
Currently, there are three different courses included in VeritasBible.com. Those courses are:
- Genesis to Joshua
- Judges to Kings
- The Gospels
2 more courses are being added soon, although the website doesn’t mention when that will be yet. Those are:
- Chronicles to Malachi and Job
- Acts to Revelation
Each course covers 32 main events in that section of the Bible and features music to help memorize the chronology of events. Memory tools for names, dates, and places are also utilized during the course. Through the VeritasBible.com program, your children will explore the Bible through activities in art, music, and geography. Each course also includes projects, worksheets, and tests.
Our Thoughts:
I have been using VeritasBible with my older 3 kids, ages 12, 9, and soon to be 7. So far, my kids are loving VeritasBible.com. They to play their “Bible game” daily!
I have started each of my three older children on a different course since they often like to watch over a sibling’s shoulder during computer times. My almost 7 year old has started on Genesis to Joshua, my 9 year old on Judges to Kings, and my oldest on The Gospels.
We found that my almost 7 year old enjoys using VeritasBible.com but that it is a little advanced for her, personally. She is a little behind on reading and some of the big words on the quizzes and such were more than she could do right now. She did very well with it if I sat with her and helped with the bigger words. She really enjoys the program though and I can tell that she is still learning, even if she does need a little assistance.
My son has learned more in the past few weeks from the Judges to Kings program than I even knew about that section of the Bible! He has been memorizing the judges of Israel in order and much more! I think I may even need to go through this program!
My oldest thinks that the songs are somewhat catchy, but she did get a little tired of hearing them in each lesson. My son likes watching the map change as the characters venture through the Bible stories and playing the games.
Some of the quizzes were a little hard for them, though. There were a lot of little details that it would ask the kids to recollect, and oftentimes we would have to redo a lesson and work together to come up with the answers. It appears that the program greatly focusses on memorization, which it wonderful when learning about Biblical material.
I think we will continue using VeritasBible.com throughout this year and maybe more in the future since I have seen how much they have grown in their understanding and knowledge of the Bible. I look forward to my kids completing their current programs and moving on to see the new ones yet to be released.
More Information:
For more information, you can visit the Veritas Press website or check them out on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter. You can also read more reviews on VeritasBible.com by clicking the banner below.

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