As a family, we haven’t focused much on memorization, with the exception of scripture, but the more I learn about the benefits of memorization, the more I want to do!

About Linguistic Development through Poetry Memorization:
Linguistic Development through Poetry Memorization consists of a teacher’s manual, e-download student book with poems, and a cd with ninety six poems that your children can memorize!
Instructions, memory charts, certificates, and poet biographies are included, as well as a complementary Student Book as an e-book download. You will also receive a bonus DVD of Andrew Pudewa’s conference talk Nurturing Competent Communicators.
Also included with the purchase is access to downloading 7 MP3 speeches on a variety of topics!
One of the best ways to get a “database” of vocabulary words is through memorization. When you memorize, you’re actually growing your brain!
Poetry memorization is recommended for anyone that needs to grow their vocabulary or work on the flow of words when they speak.
You can watch a video from the creator of Linguistic Development through Poetry Memorization on the product page. Once there, on the overview section, click on the first video under Watch Video/Excerpts called Andrew’s introduction to Linguistic Development through Poetry Memorization. This will help give a quick overview of the program and why it’s beneficial.
My Thoughts:
Honestly, I was skeptical at first. I mean, why should we memorize poetry? I also questioned if my kids would find it interesting or if they would hate it. I assumed that they probably would not be fans of this program.
The first day we tried Linguistic Development through Poetry Memorization, they immediately memorized the first poem, Ooey Gooey. After that was accomplished, they wanted more! The kids did much better than I had expected and the poems were quite entertaining! I have found myself to be memorizing right along with them! Here we are, weeks after we first tried to memorize Ooey Gooey and the kids can still recite it at the drop of a hat!
To practice, we have the kids stand up in the living room and recite for their siblings. Some do it with passion and some just recite. It’s been fun to use poetry memorization to build confidence and even public speaking skills.
Here’s a quick video of my son and one of the poems he memorized. I’m so proud of how well he did!
Isn’t that such a silly poem! The kids were laughing hysterically at it! My favorite is the second poem in the program about celery!
Not all of the poems were silly, some told a story or random information. All of my kids, from ages 5-12, were able to easily pick up the poems and recite them back.
For More Information:
Linguistic Development through Poetry Memorization retails for $65 and includes the CD, the spiral bound Teacher Guide, student e-book, and 7 MP3 e-resources.
For more information, you can visit the Institute for Excellence in Writing website, or check them out on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or Youtube.
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