Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

My son is in eight grade but is already taking some high school courses. We were excited to get a jump start on his high school credits with the Economics Online Course Bundle from Boundary Stone.
The Economics Online Course Bundle includes the following:
- Basic Economics 4th ed. textbook
- 12 month Student access to online course
- 12 month Student access to Budget Mini-course

My son has been working diligently at the program for the past few weeks during this review period and he is already 34% of the way through the course. I always love visual reminders of progress.

When he completes a quiz or a test, the program emails me so that I know he has completed it. He does have the option to retake tests and quizzes if he doesn’t like his grade. It’s very easy to keep track of his progress by just logging in and seeing where he is at.
Boundary Stone is self-paced and grades automatically, making my life a lot easier as a homeschooling mom.

There are many topics covered, but here are a few that are worth pointing out:
- Fallacy of Abundance
- Theft/Redistribution
- Monopoly
- Government obstacles to trade
- Profit and Loss
- Building a business
- Labor Unions
- Supply and demand
Since he has begun the program, my son has been asking more about the stock market and has begun researching that on his own and how to further wealth.
Here are my son’s thoughts on this program:
I like Boundary Stone’s Basic Economics course because of the way it is set up. Everyday, I read a section in the book, then watch a video. The video helps explain what I just read. I also get review questions after to help remember the facts. Once the day is done, I just have to mark it ‘complete’. The program also has quizzes every so often, then it has the real tests at the end of each module. My favorite part about it is the videos. The only thing I don’t like about it is some of the wording in the book. If I’m not paying full attention to reading, it doesn’t make sense. Other than that, I think that it is a great way to learn economics.
Personally, I love the ease of this program and how in-depth it goes. I think my son will benefit from learning about economy in this format and why certain ideals for society really aren’t that great. We plan to continue using this program for his Economy course. They also have a Government course that we may try next!
Interested in find out more? You can visit the Boundary Stone website. You can also find out more on Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube.
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