It’s not a secret that I’m a huge fan of online math enhancement programs. With 5 kids, I love that I can be working on math with a couple of them and another one can be doing some math enhancement online until I’m available to work with them.
My 3rd grader has been using Matific Galaxy as an online math resource over the past few weeks.
Matific Galaxy is a program geared toward kindergarten through sixth graders and is designed to make math more playful and reduce anxiety. It is beneficial to enhance public school learning and assist in homeschooling. The learning path below shows the route kids take with this program, starting with addition and ending at measurements.
Throughout the program, children collect pixels to put together the aliens that have lost their pixels. It’s neat seeing the learning progression this way and the goal is to get the aliens back whole again.
Children and parents have their own separate logins so the kids can play while the parents check up on them to see how it’s going. As you can see above, my daughter is doing great with multiplication and division, but needs a little practice with mixed operations and numbers. From there, I can click on the “More” option and pull up the exact section that they suggest she work on. I can hit the play button and it will replay that particular game so we can go over it together and make improvements, which is what we will be doing in a few moments.
Under the Parent Zone, parents can also send fun little encouraging messages to their children. My daughter liked getting these.
Matific Galaxy can be played online or through an app from the App Store or Google Play. We did find that our old iPads are too old to use the program, but I was able to add it to my phone for my daughter to use on the go. The games are really fun. I even took time to play Cherry Chomp and I thought it was cute. I had to mark how many cherries were on the table and then the monster would come up and “chomp” some of them and then I had to see how many they ate.
We ran into just a couple of math problems that were quite hard, and I did have to come help my daughter. One even stumped me! It was rearranging shapes to create other shapes, which sounds simple but this particular problem was tough. I ended up googling how to make the shape out of other shapes and found a solution that worked. I felt it was worth noting for this review, but it wouldn’t be something that deterred me from using this program.
Matific Galaxy is a fun, animated program that my daughter didn’t mind doing at all. In fact, after watching her work on the program, my older two kids that are in this age range are now begging for subscriptions so that they can give it a try.
I could definitely see us renewing the subscription on Matific Galaxy and/or adding the other kids in the future. A great program that is beneficial to our family.
For More Information:
For more information, please visit the Matific Galaxy. Subscriptions start at just $19.99 for the year! You can also find out more on Facebook and Instagram. To see what other homeschooling families thought about this program, simply click the banner below.