We love birthday parties. I always like to make sure my kids have a great special day without completely breaking our budget! Last weekend my middle daughter turned 5 and she requested a Frozen birthday party
For starters, I shopped high and low looking for Frozen party supplies. There are some on Amazon, but I found them the cheapest at my local Dollar General store and even balloons at Dollar Tree. Score! I decorated the table using a tablecloth I bought after Christmas this past year on clearance. Then I started planning out party food.
We set our party time as 2-4pm so it wouldnt be meal time and we could save on that aspect of not having to feed a whole meal to her friends. We went with a great layout of snacks.
Foods included:
- Ice Crystals (Cotton Candy Rock Candy Crystals)
- Melted Olaf (Greek Yogurt with candy corn, mini chocolate chips, and melted chocolate in shapes of twigs)
- Snowballs (powdered doughnut holes) – forgot to grab a photo of these!
- Cheesy Snowballs (cheeseballs)
- Olaf Cheese Sticks
- Sven’s Carrots (baby carrots)
- Iced Pretzels (yogurt covered pretzels)
- Snowman Building Station – includes big and small marshmallows, pretzel sticks for arms, chocolate chips for eyes or buttons, and candy corn nose.
For games, we kept it simple.
- Pin the Nose on Olaf – I simply attempted to draw Olaf on poster board and drew a carrot for each kid to tape on Olaf. The kids loved this game!
- Race to Build a Snowman – I separated the kids into teams and they wrapped up a member of their team in toilet paper to look like a snowman and then taped a nose on. Fastest team wins!
- Freeze Dance – Play Disney’s Frozen Soundtrack and then stop it periodically for the kids to “FREEZE” in place.
- Character Visit: Then we had some special guests stop by our party. Local readers, let me know if you need their contact info. They totally kept in character and did a fantastic job with the kids! Plus they were very affordable! This totally made the party incredible!
For the cake, we used a Castle Wilton Cake Pan and my husband decorated it to look like Elsa’s Ice Castle.
It was a wonderful party and we stayed under budget! I can’t find the receipts, but it was under $50 for all the food and cake and about $20 in decorations. After paying for our special guests, we came in under $110 for a party with 12 of my daughter’s friends. We didn’t give out goody bags, but instead let every child pick a Frozen coloring page that I printed to take home with them. The kids were happy with that.