About LearnBop:
LearnBop is a self-paced math program geared toward grades three through twelve and provides immediate personal math help to your student through this self paced program.
Through LearnBop, it will help identify and close knowledge gaps that it finds in your children.
My Thoughts:
We’ve been using LearnBop the past few weeks with my rising 4th and 8th graders. My son is working on multiplication and division, while my daughter started on Geometry.
Setup was an absolute breeze. We entered basic information about name and grade and then choose an avatar and we were set. From there, the kids could login on their own and begin.
Each time you login, you start with a warm-up. From there my children are able to watch videos to learn the concepts before moving on to the problems.
Both kids have enjoyed the program and are even asking to do it on their own. I think LearnBop is excellent to use during the summer to prevent any gaps from occurring.
As a busy mom, I appreciate that it automatically checks the problem and helps the student to try again. My son had a problem that he was completely stuck on and instead of giving up, he was able to have it email me and let me know that there was a problem. Then when I had some extra time, I was able to pull up the problem so we could go over it together and help him to understand where the issue was and learn from it.
I also like that it has a log of what my child has worked on and for how long. It seems nearly impossible to get 100%, though, even if you do everything right. It appears that you need to do the Extra Credit problems to get 100%. I let my children decide if they wanted to try to get 100% or not. They have to achieve 90% or higher to move on from a concept.
LearnBop also provides “achievement” notifications so your child can be proud of their accomplishments. My kids enjoyed seeing how many achievements they could earn.
We did find a couple glitches with problems being correct but the program not accepting the correct answers, but I’m sure that LearnBop is working those out.
I am happy with the LearnBop program and we will continue using it for the duration of our year subscription, but I am unsure if we will renew. I think we will enjoy it as we continue over the next several months.
More information:
For more information, you can visit LearnBop’s website. This program is available for $14.95 a month for 1 student or $19.95 a month for 2-4 students. You can receive a discount if you prepay for a year in advance. There is a 30 day money back guarantee and you can cancel anytime.
You can also find out more on their facebook or on twitter.
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